How well do you know the map of Seattle?

We’ve got a game for you — test your knowledge of how well you know Seattle venues by the address alone.

A map of Seattle with three dots laid atop the map. Inside of  one dot is an image of the space needle, inside another is an image of Pike Place Market, and inside the last dot is a photo from Jimi Hendrix Park.

Can you guess the Seattle venue based on just the address?

Graphic via SEAtoday

How well do you know your way around the map of Seattle?

Whether you’re a bona fide cartographer or can’t find your way to work without the help of GPS, we’ve created a game for you.

Here’s how it works: We’ll provide you with the address of a popular venue around the city, and you’ll have the choice of four places it could be. You’ll have to choose which venue is correct.

When you get to the end of the quiz, we’ll give you an article of ours that we think you might need, regardless of if you aced it or need to spend a little more time with a map.

We’ll share the results and the name of the first person to score 100% (so don’t forget to add your name if you want the credit) in an upcoming newsletter.

What are you waiting for? Try your hand at the quiz.