Best places to cry around Seattle

There, there — let it all out.

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Just curl up in the crux of the Troll’s elbow for a little extra comfort.

Photo via @travelwith.ks

Seattle is stereotypically perfect for a good cry with our winter’s mopey, dark weather. And while crying in bed at home has its upsides, a solid public breakdown just hits the spot every now and then.

Here are the best spots in town to let the dam doors open.

The Fremont Troll

If you really want to feel like you’ve hit your low, crying under a bridge is about the best way to make that happen. And here under the George Washington Memorial Bridge, you know you there’s at least one giant, concrete friend out there.

Arctic Club’s Polar Bar

This mid-century modern bar has plenty of dark corners you can reflect on your sorrows while sipping on a strong Manhattan.

Rock Box

Cry-singing in your car is always a great way to go, but you can really level up that experience with a rentable karaoke room at this Capitol Hill venue. The spaces are dark enough where folks won’t be able to tell if those are tears on your face or just well-placed rhinestones. Plus, you have an endless list of sad songs and a full bar. Bring your friends or weird out strangers by belting out “The Sound of Silence” alone.

Here, we even have a playlist of local songs for you.

Far end of Pier 70

On the far side of this pier is a secluded little spot that is perfect for those who need a moody vista to get the tears flowing. The real pro tip is to start here on a dark, rainy evening (plenty easy to do during the winter) and then take a sad walk down to the Olympic Sculpture Garden beach.

Have any recommendations for the other sad Seattleites out there? Let us know.

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Alina is based in Seattle, WA, but grew up in Clarksville, TN. She has 5+ years of professional journalism experience, but also spent a stint working for public transit in Nashville, TN. You’re likely to find her cruising local beaches for rocks or sailing her 1970s laser when the weather is warm.
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