Remembering the movie “Singles” on its 30th anniversary

Classic Seattle scenes


“Singles” was among Cameron Crowe’s earlier works.

Poster photo via Wikimedia Commons

Put on your fanciest flannels as we reminisce about the grungy, Seattle-based movie “Singles.”

Cameron Crowe’s classic 1992 comedy celebrates its 30th anniversary this month, recalling a time when there was such a thing as VHS dating — and everyone was in a band.

Starring Kyra Sedgewick, Campbell Scott, Matt Dillon + Bridget Fonda, the romcom follows the lives of — yep, that’s right — single folks in Seattle as they fall in and out of love. And live in a pretty sweet Capitol Hill apartment complex.

At one point, it was even considered for a TV pilot, and may have actually been the inspiration for “Friends.Imagine Monica, Ross + Rachel hanging at Caffe Vita instead of Central Perk.

If you never saw the flick (or it’s been awhile), be sure to hit up a local spot like Scarecrow Video and rent it — in keeping with the 1990s vibes. You can even take a short “Singles” tour around town, visiting filming locations like: